Technical Support / Consultation
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Technical Support / Consultation

Wet Dog Glass services include phone support, ideation, research, and engineering.

Standard Rate
Hourly WDG Office Rate: $90

  • 2-hour/$180 minimum, per appointment

On-Site Day Rate: $600/8 hour day, $750/10 hour day

  • 4-hour/$300 minimum for travel appointments within 2 hour distance of Wet Dog Glass office
  • Additional hours billed at $75/hour per day
    Additional fees and charges may apply (see below).

Weekend, Holiday and After Hours Rates
Hourly WDG Office Rate: $120

  • 2-hour/$240 minimum, per appointment
  • 4-hour/$480 minimum for travel appointments within 4 hour distance of Wet Dog Glass office

On-Site Day Rate: $960/8 hour day, $1200/10 hour day

  • 4-hour/$480 minimum for travel appointments within 2 hour distance of Wet Dog Glass office
  • Additional hours billed at $120/hour per day
    These rates apply to any appointment scheduled outside normal operating hours. These rates do not apply to scheduled appointments that begin before 5pm and run late.
    Additional fees and charges may apply (see below).

Phone Support
No charge for the first 15 minutes for clients in good standing; $30 per each 15-minute increment thereafter.
Phone support fee waived if call results in on-site appointment.
All times are rounded to nearest quarter hour.

Additional Fees and Charges
Rush Fee: $120, applies to same day appointments (less than 24 hours notice)
Cancellation Fee: $120, applies to appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice.

Travel Fee: Applies to areas outside 25-mile radius from base of operations.

  • Travel time is billed at half the hourly rate.
  • All travel expenses are billed at cost. Such expenses include air fare, mileage reimbursement, vehicle rental, accommodations and meals.

Miscellaneous Fees: Additional off-site charges may apply for research, equipment purchases, manufacturer technical support calls and other related support activities.
Miscellaneous charges will not be applied to invoice without prior discussion with client.

Ready to get started?

Please read our terms and conditions, ordering and shipping info pages. When you are ready, call us at 910.428.4111